About Us


The Eye of RA Holistic Center

     The Eye of RA Holistic Center is a mind-body-soul-community oasis amidst a plethora of ever growing societal stressors. The American Psychological Association  referred to  Stress Levels in America in 2020 as – A National Mental Health Crisis. Unfortunately, the stress levels are continuing to climb across all age groups in America. Stress has been scientifically proven to cause mental and physical illness which in turn depletes the soul (energy body). There is a direct link between individual mind-body-soul health and collective community health. The Eye of RA Center serves to provide a holistic approach to helping individuals and communities radically reduce stress through a variety of holistic programs, services, classes and products.

The Eye of RA Holistic Center derived its name from the Ancient African Egyptian (Kemetic) construct and principal of the Kemetic eyes being a marked symbol of mind-body-soul-community restoration (left eye) and protection from demise and destruction (right eye). The eye of RA is primarily associated with the right eye. The Eye of RA Holistic Center was born out of the need to address the rapid demise and destruction of mind-body-soul-community health in America. The Ancient African Egyptian (Kemetic) culture was recorded as being one of heightened mind-body-soul-community health, the basis of over 10,000 years of relative societal peace and harmony. The Eye of RA Center is founded upon Kemetic ageless wisdom, principals, values and philosophies that engenders the restoration of mind-body-soul-community health – promoting it as a way of life.

 Isocrates (b. 436 BCE) states, in Busiris, that “all men agree the Egyptians are the healthiest and most long of life among men; and then for the soul they introduced philosophy’s training, a pursuit which has the power, not only to establish laws, but also to investigate the nature of the universe.”

Our Founder

“Physical pain is designed to let us know that there is something wrong with our body; emotional pain is designed to let us know that there is something wrong with the way we think.”   – Aset Hetep

Aset Hetep is the Founder and CEO of Shemsu RA Inc. dba The Eye of RA Holistic Center founded in 2017.  In 2018, Aset Hetep opted to leave Corporate America, as a Senior IT Security Engineer in order to practice and promote mind-body-soul-community holistic health fulltime.  In addition, to Information Technology, she also has majored in both Culinary and Psychology and utilizes aspects of both fields of study to help bring healing and light to others. She has an extensive background in Ancient Egyptian (Kemetic) history, spirituality and mind-body-soul holistic health philosophy.

In 2020 Aset Hetep released the Arat RA Reiki Healing System.  Arat RA Reiki is a mind-body-soul holistic healing system designed to engender a systematic and measurable approach to mind-body-soul Self-healing. It employs ancient Kemetic philosophy and wisdom that teaches how to live a life that aligns us with positive and higher vibrational frequencies that help to engender good mind-body-soul health and happier lives.